Easy Ways You Can Turn Pothos Propagation Into Success

Easy Ways You Can Turn Pothos Propagation Into Success

4 minute read

Propagation of plants has been around for decades, but in recent years has soared in popularity. As a result, propagation has become just as easy as buying them from a nursery or other shop. In this article, we are going to walk you through the steps of how to propagate a plant.

The easiest way to start learning about propagation is through Pothos propagation. It can regrow through the simplest propagation method: cuttings. Taking cuttings and rooting them in water or soil is the easiest, fastest, and most popular way to clone your plant. Once you have successfully rooted and repotted a propagated cutting, you can use that pothos for gifting, trading, or to keep all to yourself!

Whether you're a fanatic gardener, a very patient parent, or just love plants, then you'll love this easy-to-follow guide on how to propagate your favorite plant with minimal effort.

Here are simple steps to take for your first successful propagation:  


1. Clean your Shears.

First, grab a pair of gardening shears (or, in a pinch, sharp scissors). Carefully wipe or dip the blades in hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, and water mixture, or wash with dish soap and water. Be mindful of the sharp blades during this process!

Disinfecting your tools is a very important step that most people overlook. By taking a cutting, you are more or less creating an open wound on your plant: easy entry for unwanted bacteria. Any time you use shears on one plant then move to another, especially if you use them indoors and outdoors, properly disinfect your shears between different plants.

2. Locate a Proper Cutting.

Second, find a place on your pothos vine to cut. Each cutting will need at least one leaf and at least one node. A node is best described as a “line” going through the stem, which is where the roots will grow out.

There may already be roots on this node, as pothos grow brown aerial roots for stability. Once you have found a good spot, cut below one of the nodes.

Credit: Boogich

 3. Place in Water or Soil.

After taking the cutting, you have two options: rooting in water or soil. We recommend water propagation as it is faster, easier to track progress, and offers a fun way to be in touch with nature during the whole process. Regardless, both are effective.

Credit: pooiekoo

Propagate in Water

Simply place the cutting in a jar of water where it receives medium or bright indirect light. Change the water every few days as you watch the roots grow. Healthy roots should be white or light yellow just like teeth, but may also be light brown. Some plants root quickly within a few days, but others can take up to one month. Pothos are known to tolerate living a long healthy life in water, but most plant parents choose to move the cuttings to the soil when the roots are overgrown and sprawling out.

Credit: Christopher Bernard

Propagate in Soil

Grab a small flower pot filled with some well-draining soil. Poke a hole in the center of the soil a few inches deep, as if you were about to plant a seed. Put the cutting in so the bottom is buried, and pack in more soil so the plant will not tilt. To check if new roots have grown later, give the plant a gentle tug. If you feel it giving resistance, that most likely means it has rooted. Depending on conditions, it may take 1-4 weeks to root.


OPTIONAL: You may see your favorite plantfluencers using rooting hormone, a chalky white powder applied to the base of the cutting, or liquid fertilizer in the water and soil. These additions are not necessary for successful rooting, but when applied correctly, they can help the new plant grow faster and stronger.

Not only does the cutting method work best for your pothos, but it can also apply to many other houseplant varieties: snake plants, philodendrons, and ficus plants, just to name a few groups. We encourage you to do your research as to which plants this can work for before you take a cutting.

Has this guide been helpful? What other questions can we answer for you to become a propagation champ? If you have tried this before reading, what advice do you wish you received before starting the propagation process? Let us know by commenting down below!

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