How To Take Care Of a Peace Lily

How To Take Care Of a Peace Lily

5 minute read

Spathiphyllum spp

Nickname: Peace Lily

Peace Lily is a very common (and trendy) houseplant that has dark, green leaves as well as white flowers that poke out through the leafy arrangement.

Because of its medium size and versatile aesthetics, peace lilies can be arranged in any kind of interior design and still look amazing.

One particular attribute that people love about peace lilies is their proficiency in filtering pollutants, making it a great indoor plant and bedrooms.

Nasa actually did a Clean Air Study, using indoor houseplants and the Peace Lily made the cut!

How to take care of Peace Lily

Peace Lilies can thrive in medium to low light with partial sunlight. Definitely keep it exposed to the sun a little during the blooming season (spring) so that you get a nice bloom of white flowers.

When watering a Peace Lily, water it enough to keep the soil moist once it is dry or when the leaves start to droop a little bit. Never keep watering if it's moist.

The plant is very forgiving when underwatered and will pop back up from its drooping state - as if nothing happened.

The Peace Lily is a tropical plant, meaning it prefers high levels of humidity. It can definitely survive low humidity, but will thrive in higher humidities. If the leaves edges turn brown, supply more humidity by putting on a gravel plus water tray so that the water evaporates upwards.

You can fertilize peace lilies once or twice a year. You can use any general-purpose fertilizer; peace lily isn't particular as to types or brands.

 Finally, peace lilies are extremely toxic to cats and dogs so definitely make sure to not have them around if you have either! 




These plants will do fine in a lower humidity setting but will thrive especially if you increase it a little bit with regular spraying of warm water. 


Partial Sunlight/Shade


Water at least once a week to keep the soil moist. Mist the leaves during the summer growing season. This plant can be sensitive to chlorine so make sure your water system doesn't contain too much chlorine. A good rule of thumb also is to let the leaves droop a little bit before watering since peace lilies are very forgiving.



Plant Food

Fertilizer isn't completely necessary for the survival of a Rubber plant, but if you want to achieve the large glossy leaves, then you will need to feed your plant. Various feeding routines will work for this plant, using your chosen fertilizer every few weeks or monthly during the growing season.


Compared to other house plants, the peace lily is relatively immune to insects and diseases. While they can get spider mites. aphids and mealybugs, owners generally keep these pets under control with regular wiping of the leaves. If pets invade, spray plants with insecticidal soap.

Pet Toxicity



Fill in around the root ball, with a potting mix, then firm the mix gently with your fingers. Water lightly to settle the soil, and then add a little more potting soil, if needed. Again it's important to situate the plant at the same level it was planted in its old pot.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do Peace Lilies need a lot of sun? 

The best thing to do when you've overwatered a peace lily is to stop watering and relocate it to a place with a lot of sun so that you can dry out the soil. After that, you probably will want to inspect the roots for root rot and repot the plant.

How long do Peace Lilies Last?

Around 2 months.

Blooms last for two months roughly in the spring and will have a short period of non bloom. They will have a chance to bloom again in autumn if they are taken care of. 

Can Peace Lilies be planted outside? 

Peace lilies typically like being grown indoors, but there are certain spots outside where you could grow them. Fix a shady spot in soil that's consistently a little moist and you should have no problems.

Are Peace Lilies toxic to pets?

Yes, Peace lilies are extremely toxic to both dogs and cats.

Why are the leaves drooping?

Leaves drooping (not dropping) means that your peace lily is underwatered!  

A good rule of thumb is to wait until the leaves droop a little bit before watering to ensure that you never overwater. We can do this with peace lilies because it is a very forgiving plant (unlike other plants) and will quickly bounce back from being underwatered to being happy.

Do Peace Lilies like to be misted?

Yes, Peace lilies like to be misted, especially throughout the summer to keep the leaves nice and moist.

What do you do if you overwater?

The best thing to do if you've overwatered a peace lily is to stop watering and relocate it to a place with a lot of sun so that you can dry out the soil. After that, you probably want to inspect the roots of root rot and repot the plant.


For other plant guides, check out here Declutterd Plant Guide

Happy Planting!

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