How To Care For a Spider Plant

How To Care For a Spider Plant

3 minute read

Chlorophytum Comosum

Nickname: Spider Plant

The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is one of the most flexible houseplants and requires less effort to grow. It is named that way because of its spider-like plants or spiderettes, which dangle down from the mother plant like spiders on a web. These spiderettes often start out as small white flowers and are usually available in green or variegated varieties. This plant can grow in a wide range of conditions and suffers from few problems, other than brown tips. 

These tough plants can tolerate lots of abuse, making them excellent candidates for newbie gardeners. Not only that, but it is also known for its tremendous air purifying qualities, so it is one of the best additions to your home. 

How to take care of Spider Plant

It is given that spider plants can grow under most conditions but there are some things to consider if you want your plant to thrive. It is necessary to provide them with well-drained soil and bright but indirect light. However, they can also grow in semi-shade to partial direct sun conditions. 

In terms of watering, you should give them an ample amount of water through summer and mist them occasionally but cut the amount of water during winter.  When it comes to temperature, do not let them fall below 50 F or expose them to cold drafts and feed them weekly during the summer with liquid fertilizer or use pellets at the beginning of the growing season.



Average indoor home humidity


Bright Without Direct Sun


Lightly water to keep moist. Once every 1-2 weeks to keep the soil moist. In the winter months, let the soil dry out 1-2 inches deep before watering again.



Plant Food

Fertilizer for Spider Plants should be applied sparingly, as over-fertilization will result in brown leaf tips just as chemically laden water soluble or granular time-release fertilizer suitable for houseplants is acceptable.


This plant is susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.

Pet Toxicity



Re-pot during Spring, if needed (outgrown its pot). Look for roots growing out of the drainage holes of the current pot.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do Spider Plant need a lot of sun? 

Unlike a lot of houseplants, Spider Plant actually prefer growing indoors and not in heavy direct sun. They like the room to be lit bright but not under direct sunlight.

Are Spider Plant toxic to pets?

No. Spider plants are non-toxic to pets.

What do you do if you overwater?

The best thing to do when you've overwatered a Spider Plant is to stop watering and relocate it to a place with a lot of sun so that you can dry out the soil. After that, you probably will want to inspect the roots for root rot and repot the plant.

Do Spider Plant like to be misted?

Yes. Spider plants can't grow if they are too dry. Keeping them moist will help them thrive.


You can find more houseplant info in our simple and easy to digest houseplant care guide: Declutterd Plant Guide

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